
CANCELLED - Nipper Awards and Break Up

Sun, 29 Mar 2020
from 2:00pm to 3:00pm

by Megan Lovell
Posted: about 5 years ago
Updated: over 4 years ago by Megan Lovell
Visible to: public

Time zone: Brisbane
Reminder: None
Ends: 03:00pm (duration is about 1 hour)

Nipper Break up & Awards- CANCELLED***

🏆 Unfortunately we have had to cancel our nipper break up afternoon. Acting in accordance with Surf Lifesaving Queensland and the Australian government we will not hold our normal break up and awards day.

🏆 Instead, age awards and major awards will be announced via social media next week. Trophies and award certificates will be available for pick up during two time slots: 8-10 am both Saturday March 28 and Sunday March 29. Please come to the nipper shed during these times to collect. Parents can collect for kids and you can have someone else collect for you to minimise the amount of people.

🏆We are sorry to have no break up party but we trust you understand this is out of our control and we need to act with what is best for all.

The Junior Committee.


kawana surf club

  • [2020-Feb-15 05:56 PM] Megan Lovell: Updated
  • [2020-Mar-18 07:54 PM] Megan Lovell: Updated

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