Nipper Board Leases U9-U3 - Complete Form

5 Sep by Megan Lovell

Please complete the google form below to lease a nipper board for the season. 

Board leases are open to nippers in U9-U13. If you are planning to attend mid week board training or competition carnivals you will need your own board – or lease one from us! This is a great way to have a quality board without the hassle of repairs and maintenance. Leased boards are yours to use for the season at nippers and at home. You will have them for the whole season and are not due back until the end of March, with the option to keep over winter. 

Fees for board leases are below, and do include a refundable board deposit (for loss or major repairs) . 

Foam nipper board $120 with $100 refundable deposit

Fibreglass nipper board w cover $150 with $150 refundable deposit

Fibreglass Mal w cover (U14/15) $200 with $150 refundable deposit

You do not have to lease a board. It is an option for those wanting to attend board training and carnivals who do not have their own board. If you are only doing nippers on a Sunday, we have club boards fur use every Sunday. 

Sunday 8 September 12 – 12:30 pm
Thursday 12 September 3 – 3:30 pm
Friday 13 September 4 – 6 pm at the Welcome BBQ…

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