A Role For Anyone and Everyone

14 Jun by Megan Lovell

AGM is this Sunday 16 June 3pm upstairs at the club. Please have a read of the roles below. If you are interested in any please get in touch. Email: nippers@kawanasurfclub.com.au

Junior Activities Executive Committee

JA PRESIDENT – Oversees and acts as the speaker for the group. Liaises with Branch and Senior surf committee members. Forms part of the Team Selection committee for carnivals.

VICE PRESIDENT – Assists the JA President in their role and also becomes President in the absence of the JA President.

SECRETARY – Minutes meetings, tables correspondence and sets meeting agenda.

TREASURER – Liaises with the club accountant. Prepares the nipper budget. Collects and maintains nipper BBQ float.

REGISTRAR – Works with the surf office to maintain nipper member records, proficiencies and surf awards.

SURF SPORTS DIRECTOR – Liaises with coaches on training programs for the competitive team. Forms part of the Team Selection committee for carnivals.

Junior Activities Non-Executive Roles:

U8-U10 TEAM MANAGER – Organises nominations for junior carnivals and acts as Team Manager.

U11-U13 TEAM MANAGER – Organises nominations for senior carnivals and acts as Team Manager.

WATER SAFETY SUPERVISOR – Ensure correct water safety numbers are held each Sunday. Holds a morning briefing.

GEAR STEWARD – Maintains nipper equipment and controls board leases. Organises repairs needed.

BBQ COORDINATOR – Purchases supplies for BBQ and checks stock levels each week.

TRAINING OFFICER – Provides basic training to nippers and ensures age awards are met.

EVENT COORDINATOR – Coordinates events and liaises with the committee/workforce.

SPONSORSHIP LIAISON – Liaises with the Fundraising committee regarding current and potential sponsors.

UNIFORM & MERCH COORDINATOR – Organises uniforms and merchandise for the nipper community.

OFFICIAL LIAISON – Liaises with officials and ensures enough officials for carnivals.

AGE MANAGER MENTOR – Liaises with age managers for training and awards are met.

GENERAL COMMITTEE MEMBER – Attends meetings as a general member.

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